Class UmlBaseClassMember

This class manages 'true' class's items : attributes, relation,
operation and sub-classes

Declaration :

Directly inherited by : UmlClassMember

Artifact : UmlBaseClassMember

Operation isClassMember

Indicate if the member is a 'class member' (static)
Always false in case of a class

Declaration :

Operation set_isClassMember

Set if the member is a 'class member' (static), not significant for a class

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef

Declaration :

Operation isVolatile

Indicate if the member is 'volatile'
Always false in case of a class

Declaration :

Operation set_isVolatile

Set if the member is 'volatile', not significant for a class

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef

Declaration :

Operation visibility

The member's visibility

Declaration :

Operation set_Visibility

Set the member visibility, DefaultVisibility is not legal

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef

Declaration :

Operation cppVisibility

Special case for C++, thank to the 'friend class X' it may be
usefull to have a C++ visibility != other visibility
In case the C++ visibility must follow the other, return

Declaration :

Operation set_CppVisibility

Set the visibility for C++, DefaultVisibility is legal

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef

Declaration :

Operation javaAnnotations

returns the Java annotations

Declaration :

Operation set_JavaAnnotations

set the Java annotations

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation constraint

return the constraint

Declaration :

Operation set_Constraint

set the constraint

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Attribute _class_member

Declaration :

Attribute _volatile

Declaration :

Relation _visibility (<directional composition>)

Declaration :

Relation _cpp_visibility (<directional composition>)

Declaration :

Attribute _java_annotation

Declaration :

Attribute _constraint

Declaration :

Operation UmlBaseClassMember

Declaration :

Operation read_uml_

internal, do NOT use it

Declaration :

Operation read_cpp_

internal, do NOT use it

Declaration :

Operation read_java_

Declaration :

Extra Artifact Definition friend

Definition :

All public operations : apply , applyStereotype , children , childrenVisible , constraint , cppDecl , cppVisibility , defined_ , deleteIt , description , getIdentifier , identifier_ , idlDecl , isClassMember , isMarked , isToolRunning , isVolatile , isWritable , javaAnnotations , javaDecl , kind , markedItems , moveAfter , mysqlDecl , name , parent , phpDecl , properties , propertyValue , pythonDecl , referencedBy , set_childrenVisible , set_Constraint , set_CppDecl , set_CppVisibility , set_Description , set_IdlDecl , set_isClassMember , set_isMarked , set_isVolatile , set_JavaAnnotations , set_JavaDecl , set_MysqlDecl , set_Name , set_PhpDecl , set_PropertyValue , set_PythonDecl , set_Stereotype , set_Visibility , stereotype , supportFile , unload , unload , visibility