Public Operations Index

activityUmlBaseTransition return the activity in OCL
actorUmlBaseUseCaseAssociation return the actor
actorsUmlBaseUseCaseDiagramDefinition return the actors present in the diagram
actualsUmlBaseClass returns (a copy of) the actuals list
add_cont_UmlBaseFragmentCompartmentinternal, do NOT use it
add_RelationUmlBaseClassInstance Add the slot (does nothing if it already exist)

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
addAssociatedArtifactUmlBaseArtifact adds an associated artifacts, returns false if 'cp' is already
an associate artifact.
significant when the artifact is not stereotyped <<source>>

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
addAssociatedClassUmlBaseArtifact adds 'cl' at the end of the associated element list,
returns false if 'cl' is already an associate class
significant when the artifact is stereotyped <<source>>

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
addExceptionUmlBaseOperation adds the exception at the given rank (0...)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
addFormalUmlBaseClass adds a formal at the given rank (0...), returns 0 on error

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef
addGetOperationUmlBaseAttribute to generate an associated 'get' operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
addGetOperationUmlBaseRelation to generate an associated 'get' operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
addParameterUmlBaseOperation adds a parameter at the given rank (0...)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
addSetOperationUmlBaseAttribute to generate an associated 'set' operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
addSetOperationUmlBaseRelation to generate an associated 'set' operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
applyUmlBaseItem Apply asynchronously the tool on the item, returns an identifier to call isToolRunning()
applyStereotypeUmlBaseItem If the current stereotype is part of a profile add needed properties.
In all cases remove extra properties whose keys contain two ':'.

If the element is read-only, return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
argumentsUmlBaseFragment return the form corresponding to the arguments
and return value of the interaction use
argumentsUmlBaseSequenceMessage return the arguments of the operation, may be empty
artifactDescriptionUmlSettings return the default description
associatedArtifactUmlBaseClass returns the optional associated artifact,
to set it refer to the UmlBaseArtifact's operations
addAssociatedClass(), removeAssociatedClass() and
associatedArtifactsUmlBaseArtifact returns (in Java a copy of) the associated artifacts list
significant when the artifact is not stereotyped <<source>>
associatedComponentsUmlBaseClass returns the components realizing or providing the class.
To set them refer to the UmlBaseComponent's operation setAssociatedClasses()
associatedDeploymentViewUmlBaseClassView returns the optional associated deployment view
associatedDiagramUmlBaseActivity returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseActivityAction returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseActivityObject returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseActivityPartition returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseActivityRegion returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseArtifact returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseClass returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseClassInstance returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseComponent returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseNode returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBasePackage returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseState returns the optional associated diagram
associatedDiagramUmlBaseUseCase returns the optional associated diagram
associatedElementsUmlBaseArtifact returns (in Java a copy of) the optional associated elements
(classes or UmlExtraDefinition)
significant when the artifact is stereotyped <<source>>
associationUmlBaseRelation return the associated class/type, may be an empty spec
associationsUmlBaseUseCaseDiagramDefinition return the associations between actor and use case present in the diagram
attributeDeclCppSettings returns the default definition of an attribute depending on the multiplicity
attributeDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of an attribute depending on the multiplicity
attributeDeclJavaSettings returns the default definition of an attribute depending on the multiplicity
attributeDeclPhpSettings returns the default definition of an attribute
attributeDeclPythonSettings returns the default definition of an attribute depending on the multiplicity
attributeDescriptionUmlSettings return the default description
attributesValueUmlBaseClassInstance Returns the attributes having a value
availableAttributesUmlBaseClassInstance Returns all the attributes of the class instance,
including the inherited
availableRelationsUmlBaseClassInstance Returns all the possible relations from the current instance to 'other', including the inherited
baseTypeUmlBaseClass returns the type on which the class (in fact a typedef) is based
behaviorUmlBaseCallBehaviorAction return the behavior, may be an activity or a state machine
behaviorUmlBaseOpaqueAction return the behavior
builtinInCppSettings returns the default operation 'in' parameter specification
in case its type is specified in the first 'Generation
settings' tab, else an empty string/null
builtinInOutCppSettings returns the default operation 'inout' parameter specification
in case its type is specified in the first 'Generation
settings' tab, else an empty string/null
builtinOutCppSettings returns the default operation 'out' parameter specification
in case its type is specified in the first 'Generation
settings' tab, else an empty string/null
builtinReturnCppSettings returns the default operation 'return' parameter specification
in case its type is specified in the first 'Generation
settings' tab, else an empty string/null
byeUmlCom must be called just before the disconnexion
checkUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
childrenUmlBaseItem returns (in Java : a copy of) the children list, to go all over the browser tree
childrenVisibleUmlBaseItem return TRUE if the children exist and are visible (independently
of the scroll bar) in the browser, else FALSE
classDeclCppSettings returns the default definition of a class
classDeclJavaSettings returns the default definition of a class
classDeclPhpSettings returns the default definition of a class
classDeclPythonSettings returns the default definition of a class
classDescriptionUmlSettings return the default description
classifierUmlBaseCreateObjectAction return the classifier
classStereotypeCppSettings returns the C++ stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument
classStereotypeIdlSettings returns the IDL stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument
classStereotypeJavaSettings returns the JAVA stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument
classStereotypePhpSettings returns the PHP stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument
classStereotypePythonSettings returns the PYTHON stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument
classUmlStereotypeCppSettings reverse of the ClassStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the C++ one given in argument
classUmlStereotypeIdlSettings reverse of the ClassStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the IDL one given in argument
classUmlStereotypeJavaSettings reverse of the ClassStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the JAVA one given in argument
classUmlStereotypePhpSettings reverse of the ClassStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the PHP one given in argument
classUmlStereotypePythonSettings reverse of the ClassStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the PYTHON one given in argument
clone_itUmlBaseParameter Clone the parameter, defined only in Java which does not have 'const' or 'value passing'
clone_itUmlBaseTypeSpec Clone the type specification, defined only in Java which does not have 'const' or 'value passing'
closeUmlCom disconnexion
columnDeclMysqlSettings returns the default definition of a column
compartmentsUmlBaseFragment return the compartments, at least one compartment exists
compute_container_UmlBaseFragment internal
connectUmlCom does the connexion

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
constDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of a constant attribute depending on the multiplicity
constraintUmlBaseActivity return the constraint
constraintUmlBaseActivityAction return the constraint
constraintUmlBaseClassMember return the constraint
containedUmlBaseFragmentCompartment return the fragments contained in the compartment,
may be none
containerUmlBaseFragment return the fragment compartment containing the fragment,
or 0/null
coveredUmlBaseFragment return the the list of covered instances (life lines)
cppActivityUmlBaseTransition return the activity in C++
cppBehaviorUmlBaseOpaqueAction return the behavior in C++
cppBodyUmlBaseOperation returns the operation's body in C++, useless if the def does not
contains ${body}. Note that the body is get each time from BOUML
for memory size reason
cppContextualBodyIndentUmlBaseOperation indicate if the indent of the C++ body is contextual or absolute
cppDeclUmlBaseClassItem return the C++ declaration
cppDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition return the C++ declaration
cppDefUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition return the C++ definition
cppDefUmlBaseExtraClassMember returns the operation's definition in C++, notes that the declaration
is returned by the inherited ClassItemBase::CppDecl() operation
cppDefUmlBaseOperation returns the operation's definition in C++, notes that the declaration
is returned by the inherited ClassItemBase::CppDecl() operation
cppDoActivityUmlBaseState return the activity in C++
cppEntryBehaviorUmlBaseState return the entry behavior in C++
cppExitBehaviorUmlBaseState return the exit behavior in C++
cppExpressionUmlBaseStateAction return the expression in C++
cppGetSetFrozenUmlBaseOperation return the if the C++ definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation
cppGuardUmlBaseFlow return the guard in C++
cppGuardUmlBaseTransition return the guard in C++
cppHDirUmlBasePackage returns the path where the C++ header files are generated by the
C++ generator.
cppHeaderUmlBaseArtifact returns the C++ header file definition
cppNamespaceUmlBasePackagereturns the namespace name associed to the package
cppNameSpecUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's C++ name must be generated
cppPostConditionUmlBaseActivity return the post condition in C++
cppPostConditionUmlBaseActivityAction return the post condition in C++
cppPreConditionUmlBaseActivity return the pre condition in C++
cppPreConditionUmlBaseActivityAction return the pre condition in C++
cppReplyToCallUmlBaseReplyAction return the replyToCall trigger in C++
cppSelectionUmlBaseActivityObject return the selection in C++
cppSelectionUmlBaseFlow return the selection in C++
cppSignalUmlBaseOnSignalAction return the signal in C++
cppSourceUmlBaseArtifact returns the C++ source file definition
cppSrcDirUmlBasePackage returns the path where the C++ source files are generated by the
c++ generator.
cppTransformationUmlBaseFlow return the transformation in C++
cppTriggerUmlBaseAcceptCallAction return the trigger in C++
cppTriggerUmlBaseAcceptEventAction return the trigger in C++
cppTriggerUmlBaseTransition return the trigger in C++
cppValueUmlBaseValueSpecificationAction return the value in C++
cppVirtualInheritanceUmlBaseRelation indicates if the inheritance is virtual in C++, returns TRUE if yes
cppVisibilityUmlBaseClassMember Special case for C++, thank to the 'friend class X' it may be
usefull to have a C++ visibility != other visibility
In case the C++ visibility must follow the other, return
cppWeightUmlBaseFlow return the weight in C++
createUmlBaseAcceptCallAction returns a new accept call action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseAcceptEventAction returns a new accept event action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseActivity returns a new activity named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseActivityDiagram returns a new activity diagram named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseActivityFinalActivityNode returns a new activity final activity control node named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseActivityObject returns a new activity object named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseActivityParameter returns a new activity parameter named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseActivityPartition returns a new activity partition named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseActivityPin returns a new activity action pin named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseAddVariableValueAction returns a new add variable value action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseArtifact returns a new artifact named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseAttribute returns a new attribute named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseBroadcastSignalAction returns a new broadcast signal action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseCallBehaviorAction returns a new call behavior action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseCallOperationAction returns a new call operation action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseChoicePseudoState returns a new choice pseudo state created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseClass returns a new class named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseClassDiagram returns a new class diagram named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseClassInstance Returns a new class instance

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0
in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseClassView returns a new class view named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseClearVariableValueAction returns a new clear variable value action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseCollaborationDiagram returns a new collaboration diagram named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseComponent returns a new component named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseComponentDiagram returns a new component diagram named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseComponentView returns a new component view named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseCreateObjectAction returns a new create object action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseDecisionActivityNode returns a new decision activity control node named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseDeepHistoryPseudoState returns a new deep history pseudo state created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseDeploymentDiagram returns a new deployment diagram named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseDeploymentView returns a new deployment view named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseDestroyObjectAction returns a new destroy object action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseEntryPointPseudoState returns a new entry point pseudo state named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseExitPointPseudoState returns a new exit point pseudo state named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseExpansionNode returns a new expansion node named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseExpansionRegion returns a new expansion region named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition returns a new extra artifact definition named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseExtraClassMember returns a new extra class member named 'name' (the name may be empty)
created under the class 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseFinalState returns a new final state created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseFlow Returns a new flow from 'start' to 'end'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0
in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseFlowFinalActivityNode returns a new flow final activity control node named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseForkActivityNode returns a new fork activity control node named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseForkPseudoState returns a new fork pseudo state created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseInitialActivityNode returns a new initial activity control node named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseInitialPseudoState returns a new initial pseudo state created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseInterruptibleActivityRegion returns a new interruptible activity region named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseJoinActivityNode returns a new join activity control node named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseJoinPseudoState returns a new join pseudo state created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseJunctionPseudoState returns a new junction pseudo state created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseMergeActivityNode returns a new merge activity control node named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseNcRelation returns a new non class relation of the given 'kind' from 'start' to 'end'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseNode returns a new node named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseObjectDiagram returns a new object diagram named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseOpaqueAction returns a new opaque action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseOperation returns a new operation named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBasePackage returns a new package named 'name' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseParameterSet returns a new parameter set named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseRaiseExceptionAction returns a new raise exception action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseReadVariableValueAction returns a new read variable value action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseReduceAction returns a new reduce action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseRegion returns a new region named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseRelation returns a new relation of the given 'kind' from 'start' to 'end'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseRemoveVariableValueAction returns a new remove variable value action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseReplyAction returns a new reply action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseSendObjectAction returns a new send object action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseSendSignalAction returns a new send signal action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseSequenceDiagram returns a new sequence diagram named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseShallowHistoryPseudoState returns a new shallow history pseudo state created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseState returns a new state named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseStateAction returns a new state action created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseStateDiagram returns a new state diagram named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseTerminatePseudoState returns a new terminate pseudo state created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...)
return 0 in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseTestIdentityAction returns a new test identity action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseTransition Returns a new Transition from 'start' to 'end'

In case it cannot be created ('parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0
in C++ and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseUnmarshallAction returns a new unmarshall action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseUseCase returns a new use case named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseUseCaseDiagram returns a new use case diagram named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseUseCaseView returns a new use case view named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseValueSpecificationAction returns a new value specification action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
createUmlBaseWriteVariableValueAction returns a new write variable value action named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java
defaultValueUmlBaseActivityParameter return the default value
defaultValueUmlBaseAttribute returns the default attribute value, may be an empty string
defaultValueUmlBaseFormalParameter returns the default actual value
defaultValueUmlBaseRelation returns the default relation value, may be an empty string
defined_UmlBaseIteminternal, do NOT use it
definitionUmlBaseCollaborationDiagram return the semantic part of the diagram not present in the model
definitionUmlBaseSequenceDiagram return the semantic part of the diagram not present in the model
definitionUmlBaseUseCaseDiagram return the semantic part of the diagram not present in the model
deleteItUmlBaseItem remove the element from the model, use it carefully because
after that the element can't be used anymore by the plug-out

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
descriptionUmlBaseItem returns the description
directionUmlBasePinParameter return the direction
doActivityUmlBaseState return the activity in OCL
effectUmlBasePinParameter return the effect
endContinuationUmlBaseFragmentCompartment return the continuation ('goto' case), or an empty string/null
entryBehaviorUmlBaseState return the entry behavior in OCL
enumClassDeclCppSettings returns the default definition of an enum class
enumDeclCppSettings returns the default definition of an enum
enumDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of an enum
enumDeclJavaSettings returns the default definition of an enumeration
enumDeclPhpSettings returns the default definition of an enumeration
enumDeclPythonSettings returns the default definition of an enumeration
enumInCppSettings returns the default operation 'in' parameter specification
in case its type is an enum
enumInoutCppSettings returns the default operation 'inout' parameter specification
in case its type is an enum
enumItemDeclCppSettings returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumItemDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumItemDeclJavaSettings returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumItemDeclPhpSettings returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumItemDeclPythonSettings returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumOutCppSettings returns the default operation 'out' parameter specification
in case its type is an enum
enumPatternDeclJavaSettings returns the default definition of an enumeration implemented
through an abstract class having constant attributes
enumPatternItemCaseJavaSettingsReturns the 'case' form produced in the fromInt operation
for each enumeration item
enumPatternItemDeclJavaSettings returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumReturnCppSettings return the default operation value type form
exceptionDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of an exception
exceptionsUmlBaseOperation returns the exceptions
exitBehaviorUmlBaseState return the exit behavior in OCL
expressionUmlBaseStateAction return the expression in OCL
extendUmlBaseFormalParameter return the optional extend (Java)
extensionPointsUmlBaseUseCase return the extension points
externalClassDeclCppSettings returns the default specification for an 'external' class
externalClassDeclIdlSettings returns the default specification for an 'external' class
externalClassDeclJavaSettings returns the default specification for an 'external' class
externalClassDeclPhpSettings returns the default specification for an 'external' class
externalClassDeclPythonSettings returns the default specification for an 'external' class
fatal_errorUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
findCppNamespaceUmlBasePackage returns a sub package of the current one having the c++ namespace 'n'
(including the current one), else 0/null
findIdlModuleUmlBasePackage returns a sub package of the current one having the IDL module 'n'
(including the current one), else 0/null
findJavaPackageUmlBasePackage returns a sub package of the current one having the Java package 'n'
(including the current one), else 0/null
findPhpNamespaceUmlBasePackage returns a sub package of the current one having the php namespace 'n'
(including the current one), else 0/null
findPythonPackageUmlBasePackage returns a sub package of the current one having the Python package 'n'
(including the current one), else 0/null
findStereotypeUmlBaseClass Return the class supporting the stereotype corresponding to
the first parameter being 'profile_name:stereotype_name', or 0/null
flushUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
formUmlBaseMessage return message as a string, may be empty/null,
exclusive with operation()
formalsUmlBaseClass returns (a copy of) the formals list
fragmentUmlBaseFragmentCompartment return the fragment owning the compartment
fragmentUmlBaseSequenceMessage return the fragment compartment containing the message
fragmentUmlBaseUseCaseReference return the fragment compartment containing the
use case, or 0/null
fragmentsUmlBaseSequenceDiagramDefinition return the fragments present in the diagram
fragmentsUmlBaseUseCaseDiagramDefinition return the fragments present in the diagram
friendClassIndentCppSettings return the indent of the friend class declaration
fromUmlBaseMessage return the instance sending the message
getUmlBaseClassreturns the class having the name given in argument in case it
exist, else 0/null. In case the package is specified (not 0/null),
the returned class will be defined in a sub-level of the package.
get_container_UmlBaseFragment internal
get_container_UmlBaseSubject internal
get_importJavaSettingsreturns the import or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the Java type given in argument.
get_importPythonSettingsreturns the import or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the Python type given in argument.
getIdentifierUmlBaseItem return a constant identifier, it is unique within a given
kind of element (two classes can't have the same identifiers, but
a class and a component may have the same identifier)
except for the diagrams (a class diagram can't have the identifier
of a component diagram)
getNameCppSettings returns the default name of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu
getNameIdlSettings returns the default name of a 'get' operation generated through
the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu
getNameJavaSettings returns the default name of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu
getNamePhpSettings returns the default name of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu
getNamePythonSettings returns the default name of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu
getOfUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' operation, returns the associated
attribute or relation
getOperationUmlBaseAttribute returns the 'get' operation of the attribute, or 0 if it does not exist
getOperationUmlBaseRelation returns the 'get' operation of the relation, or 0 if it does not exist
getProjectUmlBasePackage Returns the project
getVisibilityCppSettings returns the default visibility of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu
getVisibilityJavaSettings returns the default visibility of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation'
getVisibilityPhpSettings returns the default visibility of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation'

note : visibility shared with Java
guardUmlBaseFlow return the guard in OCL
guardUmlBaseTransition return the guard in OCL
headerAdditionalExtensionsCppSettings returns the additional extensions of the header files
reversed in C++
headerContentCppSettings returns the default header file content
headerExtensionCppSettings returns the extension of the header files produced by the
C++ code generator
hrankUmlBaseCollaborationMessage return the hierarchical rank of the message
identifier_UmlBaseIteminternal, do NOT use it
idlCaseUmlBaseAttribute in case the attribute is an IDL union's member returns the
corresponding 'case', an empty string in case it is not specified
idlCaseUmlBaseRelation in case the relation is an IDL union's member returns the
corresponding 'case', an empty string in case it is not specified
idlDeclUmlBaseClassItem return the IDL declaration
idlDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition return the Idl declaration
idlDirUmlBasePackage returns the path where the IDL files are generated by the
IDL generator.
idlGetSetFrozenUmlBaseOperation return the if the IDL definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation
idlModuleUmlBasePackagereturns the module name associed to the package
idlNameSpecUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's IDL name must be generated
idlSourceUmlBaseArtifact returns the Idl file definition
importProjectUmlBasePackage Import a project in the current package
fn is the pathname of the .prj file of the project to import
or an empty string (the project will be set through a dialog)
Return the new UmlPackage containing the imported project, or
0/null on error
inCppSettings returns the default operation 'in' parameter specification
in case its type is not an enum or a type specified in the
first 'Generation settings' tab
includeCppSettings returns the #include or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the C++ type given in argument.
includeIdlSettings returns the #include or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the Idl type given in argument.
includeWithPathCppSettings indicates to the code generator if the #include may specify
the path of just the file's name
indentStepPythonSettings return the default indent step
initOperationDefPythonSettings returns the default definition of __init__
inoutCppSettings returns the default operation 'inout' parameter specification
in case its type is not an enum or a type specified in the
first 'Generation settings' tab
instanceUmlBaseClassInstanceReference return the corresponding instance in the model, or 0/null
instancesUmlBaseCollaborationDiagramDefinition return the instances present in the diagram
instancesUmlBaseSequenceDiagramDefinition return the instances present in the diagram
inStateUmlBaseActivityObject return the inState attribute
interfaceDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of an interface
interfaceDeclJavaSettings returns the default definition of an interface
interfaceDeclPhpSettings returns the default definition of an interface
isAbstractUmlBaseClass returns TRUE in case the class is abstract
isAbstractUmlBaseOperation indicates if the operation is abstract, returns TRUE if yes
isActiveUmlBaseActivity return the indicate if the class is active
isActiveUmlBaseClass return the indicate if the class is active
isActiveUmlBaseState return the indicate if the class is active
isBodyGenerationForcedUmlBaseOperation indicates if the body is generated even if preserve body is set, returns TRUE if yes
isClassMemberUmlBaseClassMember Indicate if the member is a 'class member' (static)
Always false in case of a class
isControlTypeUmlBaseActivityObject return the isControlType attribute, tells whether the type of the object node is to be treated as control
isCppConstUmlBaseOperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared const in C++
isCppConstExprUmlBaseAttribute Indicate if the attribute is 'constexpr'
isCppConstExprUmlBaseRelation Indicate if the relation is 'constexpr'
isCppDefaultedUmlBaseOperation Indicate if the operation is declared defaulted in C++
isCppDeletedUmlBaseOperation Indicate if the operation is declared deleted in C++
isCppExternalUmlBaseClass returns TRUE if the class is external, its definition
must contains how the name is made on the first line
(${name} by default), the other lines if they exist
must contains the #include and may be using forms
isCppFinalUmlBaseOperation Indicate if the operation is declared final in C++
isCppFriendUmlBaseOperation returns TRUE if the operation is a friend in C++
isCppInlineUmlBaseExtraClassMember returns TRUE if the extra member is managed as an inline operation in C++
isCppInlineUmlBaseOperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared inline in C++
isCppMutableUmlBaseAttribute Indicate if the attribute is 'mutable'
isCppMutableUmlBaseRelation Indicate if the relation is 'mutable'
isCppNoexceptUmlBaseOperation Indicate if the operation is declared noexcept in C++
isCppOverrideUmlBaseOperation Indicate if the operation is declared override in C++
isCppThreadLocalUmlBaseAttribute Indicate if the attribute is 'thread_local'
isCppThreadLocalUmlBaseRelation Indicate if the relation is 'thread_local'
isCppVirtualUmlBaseOperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared virtual in C++
isDerivedUmlBaseAttribute return the property 'derived'
isDerivedUmlBaseRelation return the property 'derived'
isDerivedUnionUmlBaseAttribute return the property 'derived union'
isDerivedUnionUmlBaseRelation return the property 'derived union'
isDestroyLinksUmlBaseDestroyObjectAction return the return the isDestroyLinks attribute.
isDestroyOwnedObjectsUmlBaseDestroyObjectAction return the return the isDestroyOwnedObjects attribute
isDimensionUmlBaseActivityPartition return the return the isDimension attribute
isExceptionUmlBasePinParameter return the isException attribute, exclusive with isStream
isExternalUmlBaseActivityPartition return the return the isExternal attribute
isExternalUmlBaseTransition return if the transition is internal or external,
only self transitions can't be external
isForceNamespacePrefixGenerationCppSettings return if the namespace prefix must be
always generated before class's names
isForceNamespacePrefixGenerationPhpSettings return if the namespace prefix must be
always generated before class's names
isForcePackagePrefixGenerationJavaSettings return if the package prefix must be
always generated before class's names
isGenerateJavadocStyleCommentCppSettings return if ${comment} generate Javadoc style comment
isGenerateJavadocStyleCommentJavaSettings return if ${comment} generate Javadoc style comment
isGenerateJavadocStyleCommentPhpSettings return if ${comment} generate Javadoc style comment
isGetConstCppSettings returns if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is const by default
isGetFinalJavaSettings return if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is final by default
isGetFinalPhpSettings return if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is final by default
isGetInlineCppSettings returns if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is inline by default
isGetValueConstCppSettings returns if the value returned by a 'get' operation generated through
the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu is const by default
isIdlCustomUmlBaseClass returns TRUE is the class is custom, have sense for a valuetype
isIdlExternalUmlBaseClass returns TRUE if the class is external, its definition
must contain how the name is made on the first line
(${name} by default), the other lines are ignored
isIdlLocalUmlBaseClass returns TRUE if the class is local, have sense for an interface
isIdlOnewayUmlBaseOperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared oneway in IDL
isIdlTruncatableInheritanceUmlBaseRelation indicates if the relation is 'truncatable', returns TRUE if yes
have sense only for a valuetype inheritance
isInlineOperationForceIncludesInHeaderCppSettings return if the fact an operation is inline force the header of the
types referenced in the profile to be included in the header
isJavaDefaultUmlBaseOperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared default in JAVA
relevant in an interface
isJavaExternalUmlBaseClass returns TRUE if the class is external, its definition
must contain how the name is made on the first line
(${name} by default), the other lines are ignored
isJavaFinalUmlBaseClass returns TRUE is the class is final
isJavaFinalUmlBaseOperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared final in JAVA
isJavaPublicUmlBaseClass returns TRUE is the class is public
isJavaStaticUmlBaseClass returns TRUE if the (inner) class is declared static in JAVA
isJavaSynchronizedUmlBaseOperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared synchronized in JAVA
isJavaTransientUmlBaseAttribute indicates if the attribute is 'transient', returns TRUE if yes
isJavaTransientUmlBaseRelation indicates if the relation is 'transient', returns TRUE if yes
isLocallyReentrantUmlBaseActivityAction return the if the action is locally reentrant
isMarkedUmlBaseItemreturn TRUE in case the item is marked
isMustIsolateUmlBaseExpansionRegion return the isMustIsolate attribute, if TRUE the actions in the region execute in isolation from actions outside the region.
isMysqlAutoIncrementUmlBaseAttribute in case the attribute is a columns part of a table indicates
if auto increment is true, else the return value doesn't have meaning.
isMysqlNotNullUmlBaseAttribute in case the attribute is a columns part of a table indicates
if it must be not null, else the return value doesn't have meaning
isMysqlUsingBtreeUmlBaseAttribute in case the attribute is a key part of a table indicates if it
uses btree, else the return value doesn't have meaning.
isMysqlUsingHashUmlBaseAttribute in case the attribute is a key part of a table indicates if it
uses hash, else the return value doesn't have meaning.
isOrderedUmlBaseAttribute return the property 'ordered'
isOrderedUmlBaseReduceAction return the return the isOrdered attribute
isOrderedUmlBaseRelation return the property 'ordered'
isOutInoutParametersByReferencePhpSettings returns TRUE if out/inout parameters are given by reference
isParametersTypedPhpSettings returns TRUE if the parameters are typed by default
isPhpExternalUmlBaseClass returns TRUE if the class is external, its definition
must contain how the name is made on the first line
(${name} by default), the other lines are ignored
isPhpFinalUmlBaseClass returns TRUE is the class is final
isPhpFinalUmlBaseOperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared final in PHP
isProjectModifiedUmlBasePackagereturn TRUE in case something is modified (i.e. the project must be saved)
isPython_2_2PythonSettings return if classes follow Python 2.2 by default
isPython_2_2UmlBaseClass returns TRUE is the class is a Python 2.2 class
isPython_3_operationPythonSettings returns if operations follow Python 3 (pep-3107)
isPythonExternalUmlBaseClass returns TRUE if the class is external, its definition
must contain how the name is made on the first line
(${name} by default), the other lines are ignored
isReadOnlyUmlBaseActivity return the isReadOnly attribute, if TRUE the activity must not made any changes to variables ouside the activity or to objects.
isReadOnlyUmlBaseAttribute indicates if the attribute is read only, returns TRUE if yes
isReadOnlyUmlBaseRelation indicates if the relation is read only, returns TRUE if yes
isRelativePathCppSettings return if a relative path must be used when the path
must be generated in the produced #includes
isRelativePathPhpSettings return if a relative path must be used when the path
must be generated in the produced require_once
isRemoveDuplicatesUmlBaseRemoveVariableValueAction return the isRemoveDuplicates attribute, if TRUE remove duplicates of the value if non-unique
isReplaceAllUmlBaseAddVariableValueAction return the isReplaceAll attribute, if TRUE existing values of the variable must be removed before adding the new value
isReverseRoundtripDirRegExpCaseSensitiveCppSettings return if the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isReverseRoundtripDirRegExpCaseSensitiveJavaSettings return if the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isReverseRoundtripDirRegExpCaseSensitivePhpSettings return if the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isReverseRoundtripFileRegExpCaseSensitiveCppSettings return if the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isReverseRoundtripFileRegExpCaseSensitiveJavaSettings return if the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isReverseRoundtripFileRegExpCaseSensitivePhpSettings return if the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isRootRelativePathCppSettings return if a path relative to the project root must be used
when the path must be generated in the produced #includes
isRootRelativePathPhpSettings return if a path relative to the project root must be used
when the path must be generated in the produced require_once
isSetFinalJavaSettings returns if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is final by default
isSetFinalPhpSettings returns if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is final by default
isSetInlineCppSettings returns if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is inline by default
isSetOnewayIdlSettings returns if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is oneway by default
isSetParamConstCppSettings returns if the parameters of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu are const by default
isSetParamFinalJavaSettings returns if the parameters of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu are final by default
isSetParamRefCppSettings return if the parameter of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu is a reference by default
isSingleExecutionUmlBaseActivity return the isSingleExecution attribute, if TRUE all invocations of the activity are handle by the same execution
isStreamUmlBasePinParameter return the isStream attribute
isSynchronousUmlBaseCallBehaviorAction return the isSynchronous attribute, if TRUE the caller waits for the completion of the invoked behavior
isSynchronousUmlBaseCallOperationAction return the isSynchronous attribute, if TRUE the caller waits for the completion of the invoked behavior
isTimeEventUmlBaseAcceptEventAction return the isTimeEvent attribute, if TRUE the event is a time event
isToolRunningUmlBaseItem 'id' is an identifier returned by apply(), indicates if the tool is still running
isTypeUsedByValueForceItsIncludesInHeaderCppSettings return if the fact a type is used by value in a definition
(out of the body of an operation) force the #include of its header
to be generated in the header file
isUniqueUmlBaseAttribute return the property 'unique'
isUniqueUmlBasePinParameter return the isUnique attribute
isUniqueUmlBaseRelation return the property 'unique'
isUnmarshallUmlBaseAcceptEventAction return the isUnmarshall attribute, if TRUE there are multiple output pins for attributes or the event.
isVolatileUmlBaseClassMember Indicate if the member is 'volatile'
Always false in case of a class
isWritableUmlBaseItem return TRUE in case the item may be modified, i.e. it is not
an API base 'plug-out' class and the corresponding file(s) are not
javaActivityUmlBaseTransition return the activity in Java
javaAnnotationsUmlBaseClassMember returns the Java annotations
javaBehaviorUmlBaseOpaqueAction return the behavior in Java
javaBodyUmlBaseOperation returns the operation's body in Java++, useless if the def does
not contains ${body} Note that the body is get each time from BOUML
for memory size reason
javaContextualBodyIndentUmlBaseOperation indicate if the indent of the Java body is contextual or absolute
javaDeclUmlBaseClassItem return the Java defininition
javaDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition return the Java declaration
javaDefUmlBaseOperation returns the operation's definition in Java, notes that it is
already made by the inherited JavaDecl operation
javaDirUmlBasePackage returns the path where the JAVA files are generated by the
JAVA generator.
javaDoActivityUmlBaseState return the activity in Java
javaEntryBehaviorUmlBaseState return the entry behavior in Java
javaExitBehaviorUmlBaseState return the exit behavior in Java
javaExpressionUmlBaseStateAction return the expression in Java
javaGetSetFrozenUmlBaseOperation return the if the Java definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation
javaGuardUmlBaseFlow return the guard in Java
javaGuardUmlBaseTransition return the guard in Java
javaNameSpecUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's JAVA name must be generated
javaPackageUmlBasePackagereturns the java package name associed to the package
javaPostConditionUmlBaseActivity return the post condition in Java
javaPostConditionUmlBaseActivityAction return the post condition in Java
javaPreConditionUmlBaseActivity return the pre condition in Java
javaPreConditionUmlBaseActivityAction return the pre condition in Java
javaReplyToCallUmlBaseReplyAction return the replyToCall trigger in Java
javaSelectionUmlBaseActivityObject return the selection in Java
javaSelectionUmlBaseFlow return the selection in Java
javaSignalUmlBaseOnSignalAction return the signal in Java
javaSourceUmlBaseArtifact returns the Java file definition
javaTransformationUmlBaseFlow return the transformation in Java
javaTriggerUmlBaseAcceptCallAction return the trigger in Java
javaTriggerUmlBaseAcceptEventAction return the trigger in Java
javaTriggerUmlBaseTransition return the trigger in Java
javaValueUmlBaseValueSpecificationAction return the value in Java
javaWeightUmlBaseFlow return the weight in Java
keyDeclMysqlSettings returns the default definition of a key
kindUmlBaseAcceptCallAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseAcceptEventAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseActivity returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseActivityDiagram returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseActivityFinalActivityNode returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseActivityObject returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseActivityParameter returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseActivityPartition returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseActivityPin returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseAddVariableValueAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseArtifact returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseAttribute returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseBroadcastSignalAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseCallBehaviorAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseCallOperationAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseChoicePseudoState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseClass returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseClassDiagram returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseClassInstance returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseClassView returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseClearVariableValueAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseCollaborationDiagram returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseComponent returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseComponentDiagram returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseComponentView returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseCreateObjectAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseDecisionActivityNode returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseDeepHistoryPseudoState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseDeploymentDiagram returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseDeploymentView returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseDestroyObjectAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseEntryPointPseudoState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseExitPointPseudoState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseExpansionNode returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseExpansionRegion returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseExtraClassMember returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseFinalState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseFlow returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseFlowFinalActivityNode returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseForkActivityNode returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseForkPseudoState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseInitialActivityNode returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseInitialPseudoState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseInterruptibleActivityRegion returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseItem returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseJoinActivityNode returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseJoinPseudoState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseJunctionPseudoState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseMergeActivityNode returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseNcRelation returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseNode returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseObjectDiagram returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseOpaqueAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseOperation returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBasePackage returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseParameterSet returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseRaiseExceptionAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseReadVariableValueAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseReduceAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseRegion returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseRelation returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseRemoveVariableValueAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseReplyAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseSendObjectAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseSendSignalAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseSequenceDiagram returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseSequenceMessage return kind of the message
kindUmlBaseShallowHistoryPseudoState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseStateAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseStateDiagram returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseTerminatePseudoState returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseTestIdentityAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseTransition returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseUnmarshallAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseUseCase returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseUseCaseDiagram returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseUseCaseView returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseValueSpecificationAction returns the kind of the item
kindUmlBaseWriteVariableValueAction returns the kind of the item
loadProjectUmlBasePackageDoes nothing in case an edition is on going under BOUML. Else :
close the current project (in case it is not saved the last modifications are lost),
load the specified one, and all the communications with the plug-outs including the
current one are closed.
messageUmlCom to write a message in the status bar line
does not use Qt rich text
messagesUmlBaseCollaborationDiagramDefinition return the messages present in the diagram,
ordonned following their rank
messagesUmlBaseSequenceDiagramDefinition return the messages present in the diagram,
ordonned following the sending time
methodsUmlBaseOperation return the behaviors (state and activities) implementing the operation
modeUmlBaseExpansionRegion return the mode attribute, the way in which the execution interact.
moveAfterUmlBaseItem If the parameter is null, move the current item to be
the first child of its parent. Else the current item and
the parameter must have the same parent, the current item
is moved to be just after the parameter.
On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
multiplicityUmlBaseActivityObject return the multiplicity
multiplicityUmlBaseAttribute returns the multiplicity (may be an empty string)
multiplicityUmlBaseOperation return the return type multiplicity
multiplicityUmlBaseRelation returns the multiplicity (may be an empty string)
mysqlColumnsUmlBaseAttribute returns (in Java a copy of) the columns
significant when the attribute is a key of a table
mysqlColumnsUmlBaseRelation returns (in Java a copy of) the columns
significant when the relation is a foreign key of a table
mysqlConstraintUmlBaseAttribute in case the attribute is a key part of a table returns the constraint,
else the return value doesn't have meaning
mysqlConstraintUmlBaseRelation in case the relation is a foreign key part of a table returns
the constraint, else the return value doesn't have meaning.
mysqlDeclUmlBaseClassItem return the MYSQL declaration
mysqlDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition return the Mysql declaration
mysqlDirUmlBasePackage returns the path where the MySql files are generated by the
Mysql generator.
mysqlKindUmlBaseAttribute in case the attribute is part of a table returns what this attribute
represents, else the return value doesn't have meaning.
mysqlOnDeleteUmlBaseRelation returns what is done on delete
significant when the relation is a foreign key of a table
mysqlOnUpdateUmlBaseRelation returns what is done on update
significant when the relation is a foreign key of a table
mysqlReferencedKeyUmlBaseRelation returns the key referenced by the foreing key or a null pointer
significant when the relation is a foreign key of a table
mysqlSourceUmlBaseArtifact returns the MySql file definition
nameUmlBaseClassInstanceReference return the name of the instance
nameUmlBaseFormalParameter returns the name of the formal
nameUmlBaseFragment return the name
nameUmlBaseItem returns the name
nameUmlBaseSubject return the name
nameUmlBaseUseCaseAssociation return the name
nestedClassIndentCppSettings return the indent of the nested class declaration
operationUmlBaseCallOperationAction return the operation
operationUmlBaseMessage return the operation or 0/null,
exclusive with form()
operationDeclCppSettings returns the default declaration of an operation
operationDeclIdlSettings returns the default declaration of an operation
operationDefCppSettings returns the default definition of an operation
operationDefJavaSettings returns the default definition of an operation
operationDefPhpSettings returns the default definition of an operation
operationDefPythonSettings returns the default definition of an operation
operationDescriptionUmlSettings return the default description
operationForceNoexceptCppSettings return TRUE if the operations profile must contain 'noexcept'
when the operations does not have exception
operationForceThrowCppSettings return TRUE if the operations profile must contain 'throw()'
when the operations does not have exception
orderingUmlBaseActivityObject return the ordering
outCppSettings returns the default operation 'out' parameter specification
in case its type is not an enum or a type specified in the
first 'Generation settings' tab
paramsUmlBaseOperation returns (in java a copy of) the parameters list
parentUmlBaseItem returns the parent (0/null if it is applied on the project itself),
to go all over the browser tree
phpBodyUmlBaseOperation returns the operation's body in Php++, useless if the def does
not contains ${body} Note that the body is get each time from BOUML
for memory size reason
phpContextualBodyIndentUmlBaseOperation indicate if the indent of the PHP body is contextual or absolute
phpDeclUmlBaseClassItem return the Php defininition
phpDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition return the Php declaration
phpDefUmlBaseOperation returns the operation's definition in Php, notes that it is
already made by the inherited PhpDecl operation
phpDirUmlBasePackage returns the path where the PHP files are generated by the
PHP generator.
phpGetSetFrozenUmlBaseOperation return the if the Php definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation
phpNamespaceUmlBasePackage return the namespace name associed to the package
phpNameSpecUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's PHP name must be generated
phpSourceUmlBaseArtifact returns the Php file definition
pinsUmlBaseParameterSet return the pins part of the parameter set
postConditionUmlBaseActivity return the post condition
postConditionUmlBaseActivityAction return the post condition
preConditionUmlBaseActivity return the pre condition
preConditionUmlBaseActivityAction return the pre condition
primaryUmlBaseUseCaseAssociation return true if the actor is a primary actor for the use case
propertiesUmlBaseItem returns all the properties of the object through (in Java a copy of) a dictionnary
propertyValueUmlBaseItem In C++, in case the key specified by 'k' exist for the current
object, the string 'v' is modified which the associated value
and TRUE is returned, else returns FALSE.

In Java return the value associated with the key specified by 'k'
for the current object, null in case the property doesn't

These properties may be edited through the object dialog last tab
named 'user'
providedClassesUmlBaseComponent returns (in Java a copy of) the optional provided classes
pythonBodyUmlBaseOperation returns the operation's body in Python++, useless if the def does
not contains ${body} Note that the body is get each time from BOUML
for memory size reason
pythonContextualBodyIndentUmlBaseOperation indicate if the indent of the Python body is contextual or absolute
pythonDeclUmlBaseClassItem return the Python defininition
pythonDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition return the Python declaration
pythonDecoratorsUmlBaseOperation return the decorators
pythonDefUmlBaseOperation returns the operation's definition in Python, notes that it is
already made by the inherited PythonDecl operation
pythonDirUmlBasePackage returns the path where the PYTHON files are generated by the
PYTHON generator.
pythonGetSetFrozenUmlBaseOperation return the if the Python definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation
pythonNameSpecUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's PYTHON name must be generated
pythonPackageUmlBasePackagereturns the python package name associed to the package
pythonSourceUmlBaseArtifact returns the Python file definition
rankUmlBaseActualParameter returns the actual rank (0...)
rankUmlBaseCollaborationMessage return the global rank of the message
rankUmlBaseFragmentCompartment the rank of the compartment in the fragment (0..)
read_UmlBaseClassInstanceReference internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseCollaborationDiagramDefinition internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseCollaborationMessage internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseFragment internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseFragmentCompartment internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseMessage internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseSequenceDiagramDefinition internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseSequenceMessage internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseSubject internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseUseCaseAssociation internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseUseCaseDiagramDefinition internal, don't call it
read_UmlBaseUseCaseReference internal, don't call it
read_boolUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
read_charUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
read_covered_UmlBaseFragmentinternal, do NOT use it
read_idUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
read_item_listUmlCom internal, do NOT use it
read_stringUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
read_unsignedUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
realizingClassesUmlBaseComponent returns (in Java a copy of) the optional realizing classes
receivedAtUmlBaseSequenceMessage return when the message is received (arbitrary unit)
reducerUmlBaseReduceAction return the reducer, may be an activity or a state machine
referUmlBaseFragment return the diagram optionally referenced by the fragment,
generally associated to an interaction use
referenceUmlBaseEntryPointPseudoState return the the referenced sub machine state or 0/null
if the state is not a sub machine state reference
referenceUmlBaseExitPointPseudoState return the the referenced sub machine state or 0/null
if the state is not a sub machine state reference
referenceUmlBaseState return the the referenced sub machine state or 0/null
if the state is not a sub machine state reference
referencedByUmlBaseItem Returns the items referencing the current one.
The result may contains UmlAttribute, UmlRelations, UmlNcRelations,
UmlOperation (their bodies are not taken into account) , UmlClass
and UmlComponents.
relationAttributeStereotypeCppSettings returns the C++ stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument
relationAttributeStereotypeIdlSettings returns the IDL stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument
relationAttributeStereotypeJavaSettings returns the JAVA stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument
relationAttributeStereotypePythonSettings returns the PYTHON stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument
relationAttributeUmlStereotypeCppSettings reverse of the RelationAttributeStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the C++ one given in argument
relationAttributeUmlStereotypeIdlSettings reverse of the RelationAttributeStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the IDL one given in argument
relationAttributeUmlStereotypeJavaSettings reverse of the RelationAttributeStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the JAVA one given in argument
relationAttributeUmlStereotypePythonSettings reverse of the RelationAttributeStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the PYTHON one given in argument
relationDeclCppSettings returns the default definition of a relation depending on it is an
aggregation by value or not and the multiplicity, given in argument.
relationDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of a relation depending on the
multiplicity given in argument.
relationDeclJavaSettings returns the default definition of a relation depending on the
multiplicity given in argument.
relationDeclPhpSettings returns the default definition of an relation
relationDeclPythonSettings returns the default definition of a relation depending on it is an
aggregation by value or not and the multiplicity, given in argument.
relationDescriptionUmlSettings return the default description
relationKindUmlBaseNcRelation returns the kind of the relation : aGeneralisation or a Dependency, the other are not allowed
for the non class relations
relationKindUmlBaseRelation returns the kind of the relation
relationsValueUmlBaseClassInstance Returns the attributes having a value
remove_RelationUmlBaseClassInstance Remove the slot (does nothing if it doesn't exist)

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
removeAllAssociatedArtifactsUmlBaseArtifact removes all associated artifacts
significant when the artifact is not stereotyped <<source>>

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
removeAssociatedArtifactUmlBaseArtifact removes an associated artifacts
significant when the artifact is not stereotyped <<source>>

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
removeAssociatedClassUmlBaseArtifact removes an associated class
significant when the artifact is not stereotyped <<source>>

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
removeExceptionUmlBaseOperation remove the exception of the given rank (0...)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
removeFormalUmlBaseClass remove the formal of the given rank (0...), returns 0 on error

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef
removeParameterUmlBaseOperation remove the parameter of the given rank (0...)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
replaceActualUmlBaseClass replace the actual value at the given rank (0...)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
replaceExceptionUmlBaseOperation replaces the exception at the given rank (0...)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
replaceFormalUmlBaseClass replace the formal at the given rank (0...)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef
replaceParameterUmlBaseOperation replace the parameter at the given rank (0...)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
replyToCallUmlBaseReplyAction return the replyToCall trigger
representsUmlBaseActivityPartition return the represents
requiredClassesUmlBaseComponent returns (in Java a copy of) the optional required classes
requireOnceWithPathPhpSettings indicates to the code generator if the require_once may specify
the path of just the file's name
ReturnCppSettings return the default operation value type form
returnTypeUmlBaseOperation returns the operation value type
reverseRoundtripDirRegExpCppSettings return the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip
reverseRoundtripDirRegExpJavaSettings return the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip
reverseRoundtripDirRegExpPhpSettings return the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip
reverseRoundtripFileRegExpCppSettings return the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip
reverseRoundtripFileRegExpJavaSettings return the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip
reverseRoundtripFileRegExpPhpSettings return the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip
roleNameUmlBaseRelation returns the name of the role
roleTypeUmlBaseRelation returns the 'end' class (the 'start' class is the parent of the relation) no set !
rootDirCppSettings returns the 'root' directory
rootDirIdlSettings returns the 'root' directory
rootDirJavaSettings return the 'root' directory
rootDirMysqlSettings return the 'root' directory
rootDirPhpSettings return the 'root' directory
rootDirPythonSettings return the 'root' directory
saveInUmlBaseDiagram saves the diagram picture in the file whose pathname is given
in argument, the produced file is a PNG file.
The aspect of the diagram is :
- its visible part in case it is open
- the aspect specified by its prefered size and scale in case
these last are specified (see menu on a diagram view)
- else the default diagram aspect, which is probably not as you want

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
saveProjectUmlBasePackagesave the project if needed
selectionUmlBaseActivityObject return the selection in OCL
selectionUmlBaseFlow return the selection in OCL
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCom internal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
send_cmdUmlCominternal, do NOT use it
sentAtUmlBaseSequenceMessage return when the message is sent (arbitrary unit)
set_ActivityUmlBaseTransition set the activity in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ArtifactDescriptionUmlSettings set the default description

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedClassesUmlBaseComponent set the realizing, provided and required classes lists

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDeploymentViewUmlBaseClassView sets the associated deployment view, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseActivity sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseActivityAction sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseActivityObject sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseActivityPartition sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseActivityRegion sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseArtifact sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseClass sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseClassInstance sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseComponent sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseNode sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBasePackage sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseState sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedDiagramUmlBaseUseCase sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociatedElementsUmlBaseArtifact set the associated classes list
significant when the artifact is stereotyped <<source>>

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AssociationUmlBaseRelation set the associated class/type, may be an empty spec

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AttributeDeclCppSettings set the default definition of an attribute

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AttributeDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of an attribute

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AttributeDeclJavaSettings set the default definition of an attribute

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AttributeDeclPhpSettings set the default definition of an attribute

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AttributeDeclPythonSettings set the default definition of an attribute

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AttributeDescriptionUmlSettings set the default description

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_AttributeValueUmlBaseClassInstance Remove the slot if the value is null.
Else set the value for the given attribute, replacing it
if the slot already exist.
On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_BaseTypeUmlBaseClass to set the type on which the class (in fact a typedef) is based

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java, does not check that the class is (already) a typedef
set_BehaviorUmlBaseCallBehaviorAction set the behavior

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_BehaviorUmlBaseOpaqueAction set the behavior

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_BuiltinInCppSettings set the default operation 'in' parameter specification
in case its type is specified in the first 'Generation
settings' tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_BuiltinInOutCppSettings set the default operation 'inout' parameter specification
in case its type is specified in the first 'Generation
settings' tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_BuiltinOutCppSettings set the default operation 'out' parameter specification
in case its type is specified in the first 'Generation
settings' tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_BuiltinReturnCppSettings set the default operation 'return' parameter specification
in case its type is specified in the first 'Generation
settings' tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_childrenVisibleUmlBaseItem open the item in the browser (its children are visible) if y is TRUE,
else close it (its children are not visible). May be applied on items
without children. The item is also selected in the browser, so
set_ChildrenVisible(childrenVisible()) is the right way to select the item
in the browser.

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassDeclCppSettings set the default definition of a class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassDeclJavaSettings set the default definition of a class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassDeclPhpSettings set the default definition of a class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassDeclPythonSettings set the default definition of a class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassDescriptionUmlSettings set the default description

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassifierUmlBaseCreateObjectAction set the classifier

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassStereotypeCppSettings set the C++ stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassStereotypeIdlSettings set the IDL stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassStereotypeJavaSettings set the JAVA stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassStereotypePhpSettings set the PHP stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ClassStereotypePythonSettings set the PYTHON stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ColumnDeclMysqlSettings set the default definition of a column

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ConstDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of a constant attribute

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ConstraintUmlBaseActivity set the constraint

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ConstraintUmlBaseActivityAction set the constraint

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ConstraintUmlBaseClassMember set the constraint

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppActivityUmlBaseTransition set the activity in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppBehaviorUmlBaseOpaqueAction set the behavior in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppBodyUmlBaseOperation sets the operation's body in C++, useless if the def does not
contains ${body}

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppContextualBodyIndentUmlBaseOperation set if the indent of the C++ body is contextual or absolute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppDeclUmlBaseClassItem to set the C++ declaration

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition set the C++ declaration

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppDefUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition set the C++ definition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppDefUmlBaseExtraClassMember sets the operation's definition in C++, notes that the declaration
is set through the inherited ClassItemBase::set_CppDecl() operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppDefUmlBaseOperation sets the operation's definition in C++, notes that the declaration
is set through the inherited ClassItemBase::set_CppDecl() operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppDoActivityUmlBaseState set the activity in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppEntryBehaviorUmlBaseState set the entry behavior in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppExitBehaviorUmlBaseState set the exit behavior in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppExpressionUmlBaseStateAction set the expression in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppGetSetFrozenUmlBaseOperation set the if the C++ definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppGuardUmlBaseFlow set the guard in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppGuardUmlBaseTransition set the guard in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppHDirUmlBasePackage to set the path where the C++ header files are generated by the
C++ generator, may be relative even the 'root' path is not
(already) an absolute path

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppHeaderUmlBaseArtifact to set the C++ header file definition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppNamespaceUmlBasePackageto set the namespace name associed to the package.

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppNameSpecUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's C++ name must be generated

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppPostConditionUmlBaseActivity set the post condition in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppPostConditionUmlBaseActivityAction set the post condition in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppPreConditionUmlBaseActivity set the pre condition in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppPreConditionUmlBaseActivityAction set the pre condition in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppReplyToCallUmlBaseReplyAction set the replyToCall trigger in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppSelectionUmlBaseActivityObject set the selection in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppSelectionUmlBaseFlow set the selection in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppSignalUmlBaseOnSignalAction set the signal in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppSourceUmlBaseArtifact to set the C++ source file definition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppSrcDirUmlBasePackage to set the path where the C++ source files are generated by the
C++ generator, may be relative even the 'root' path is not
(already) an absolute path

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppTransformationUmlBaseFlow set the transformation in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppTriggerUmlBaseAcceptCallAction set the trigger in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppTriggerUmlBaseAcceptEventAction set the trigger in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppTriggerUmlBaseTransition set the trigger in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppValueUmlBaseValueSpecificationAction set the value in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppVirtualInheritanceUmlBaseRelation to set if the inheritance is virtual in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_CppVisibilityUmlBaseClassMember Set the visibility for C++, DefaultVisibility is legal

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef
set_CppWeightUmlBaseFlow set the weight in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_DefaultValueUmlBaseActivityParameter set the default value

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_DefaultValueUmlBaseAttribute to set the default attribute value ("" allowed)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_DefaultValueUmlBaseRelation to set the default relation value ("" allowed)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_DescriptionUmlBaseItem to set the description
On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_DirectionUmlBasePinParameter set the direction

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_DoActivityUmlBaseState set the activity in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EffectUmlBasePinParameter set the effect

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EntryBehaviorUmlBaseState set the entry behavior in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumClassDeclCppSettings set the default definition of an enum class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumDeclCppSettings set the default definition of an enum

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of an enum

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumDeclJavaSettings set the default definition of an enumeration

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumDeclPhpSettings set the default definition of an enumeration

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumDeclPythonSettings set the default definition of an enumeration

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumInCppSettings set the default operation 'in' parameter specification
in case its type is an enum

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumInoutCppSettings set the default operation 'inout' parameter specification
in case its type is an enum

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumItemDeclCppSettings set the default definition of an enumeration item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumItemDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of an enumeration item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumItemDeclJavaSettings set the default definition of an enumeration item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumItemDeclPhpSettings set the default definition of an enumeration item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumItemDeclPythonSettings set the default definition of an enumeration item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumOutCppSettings set the default operation 'out' parameter specification
in case its type is an enum

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumPatternDeclJavaSettings set the default definition of an enumeration implemented
through an abstract class having constant attributes

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumPatternItemCaseJavaSettings set the 'case' form produced in the fromInt operation
for each enumeration item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumPatternItemDeclJavaSettings set the default definition of an enumeration item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_EnumReturnCppSettings set the default operation value type form

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ExceptionDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of an exception

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ExitBehaviorUmlBaseState set the exit behavior in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ExpressionUmlBaseStateAction set the expression in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ExtensionPointsUmlBaseUseCase set the extension points

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ExternalClassDeclCppSettings set the default specification for an 'external' class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ExternalClassDeclIdlSettings set the default specification for an 'external' class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ExternalClassDeclJavaSettings set the default specification for an 'external' class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ExternalClassDeclPhpSettings set the default specification for an 'external' class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ExternalClassDeclPythonSettings set the default specification for an 'external' class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_FriendClassIndentCppSettings set friend class declaration indent

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_GetNameCppSettings set the default name of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_GetNameIdlSettings set the default name of a 'get' operation generated through
the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_GetNameJavaSettings set the default name of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_GetNamePhpSettings set the default name of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_GetNamePythonSettings set the default name of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_GetVisibilityCppSettings set the default visibility of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_GetVisibilityJavaSettings set the default visibility of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation'

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_GetVisibilityPhpSettings set the default visibility of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation'

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

note : visibility shared with Java
set_GuardUmlBaseFlow set the guard in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_GuardUmlBaseTransition set the guard in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_HeaderAdditionalExtensionsCppSettings set the additional extensions of the header files
reversed in C++

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_HeaderContentCppSettings set the default header file content

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_HeaderExtensionCppSettings set the extension of the header files produced by the
C++ code generator

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlCaseUmlBaseAttribute to set the 'case' even the attribute is not (already) known as
an IDL union's member

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlCaseUmlBaseAttribute to set the 'case' even the attribute is not (already) known as
an IDL union's member

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlCaseUmlBaseRelation to set the 'case' even the relation is not (already) known as
an IDL union's member

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlCaseUmlBaseRelation to set the 'case' even the relation is not (already) known as
an IDL union's member

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlDeclUmlBaseClassItem set the IDL declaration

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition set the Idl declaration

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlDirUmlBasePackage to set the path where the IDL files are generated by the
IDL generator, may be relative even the 'root' path is not
(already) an absolute path

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlGetSetFrozenUmlBaseOperation set the if the IDL definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlModuleUmlBasePackage to set the module name associed to the package.

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlNameSpecUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's IDL name must be generated

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IdlSourceUmlBaseArtifact to set the Idl file definition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ImportJavaSettings set the import or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the Java type given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ImportPythonSettings set the import or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the Python type given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_InCppSettings set the default operation 'in' parameter specification
in case its type is not an enum or a type specified in the
first 'Generation settings' tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IncludeCppSettings set the #include or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the C++ type given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IncludeIdlSettings set the #include or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the Idl type given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IncludeWithPathCppSettings to indicates to the code generator if the #include may specify
the path of just the file's name

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IndentStepPythonSettings set default indent step

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_InitOperationDefPythonSettings set the default definition of __init__

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_InoutCppSettings set the default operation 'inout' parameter specification
in case its type is not an enum or a type specified in the
first 'Generation settings' tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_InStateUmlBaseActivityObject set the inState attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_InterfaceDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of an interface

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_InterfaceDeclJavaSettings set the default definition of an interface

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_InterfaceDeclPhpSettings set the default definition of an interface

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isAbstractUmlBaseClass the set if the class is abstract

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
for instance you cannot set it to FALSE in case the class have
abstract operations
set_isAbstractUmlBaseOperation to set the 'abstract' flag

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isActiveUmlBaseActivity set if the class is active

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isActiveUmlBaseClass set if the class is active

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isActiveUmlBaseState set if the class is active

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isBodyGenerationForcedUmlBaseOperation to set if the body is generated even if preserve body is set

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isClassMemberUmlBaseAttribute Set if the member is a 'class member' (static)

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isClassMemberUmlBaseClassMember Set if the member is a 'class member' (static), not significant for a class

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef
set_isClassMemberUmlBaseRelation Set if the member is a 'class member' (static)

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsControlTypeUmlBaseActivityObject set the isControlType attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppConstUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared const in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppConstExprUmlBaseAttribute Set if the attribute is 'constexpr'

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppConstExprUmlBaseRelation Set if the relation is 'constexpr'

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppDefaultedUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared defaulted in C++

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppDeletedUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared deleted in C++

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppExternalUmlBaseClass set if the class is external

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppFinalUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared final in C++

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppFriendUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is a friend in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppInlineUmlBaseExtraClassMember to set if the extra member is managed as an inline operation in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppInlineUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared inline in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppMutableUmlBaseAttribute Set if the attribute is 'mutable'

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppMutableUmlBaseRelation Set if the relation is 'mutable'

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppNoexceptUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared noexcept in C++

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppOverrideUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared override in C++

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppThreadLocalUmlBaseAttribute Set if the attribute is 'thread_local'

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppThreadLocalUmlBaseRelation Set if the relation is 'thread_local'

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isCppVirtualUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared virtual in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isDerivedUmlBaseAttribute Set the properties 'derived' and 'union'

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isDerivedUmlBaseRelation Set the properties 'derived' and 'union'

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isDestroyLinksUmlBaseDestroyObjectAction set the isDestroyLinks attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isDestroyOwnedObjectsUmlBaseDestroyObjectAction set the isDestroyOwnedObjects attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isDimensionUmlBaseActivityPartition set the isDimension attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsExceptionUmlBasePinParameter set the isException attribute, exclusive with isStream

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isExternalUmlBaseActivityPartition set the isExternal attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsExternalUmlBaseTransition set if the transition is internal or external,
only a self transition may be set internal
On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsForceNamespacePrefixGenerationCppSettings set if the namespace prefix must be always generated before class's names

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsForceNamespacePrefixGenerationPhpSettings set if the namespace prefix must be always generated before class's names

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsForcePackagePrefixGenerationJavaSettings set if the package prefix must be always generated before class's names

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsGenerateJavadocStyleCommentCppSettings set if ${comment} generate Javadoc style comment

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsGenerateJavadocStyleCommentJavaSettings set if ${comment} generate Javadoc style comment

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsGenerateJavadocStyleCommentPhpSettings set if ${comment} generate Javadoc style comment

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsGetConstCppSettings set if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is const by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsGetFinalJavaSettings set if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is final by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsGetFinalPhpSettings set if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is final by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsGetInlineCppSettings set if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is inline by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsGetValueConstCppSettings set if the value returned by a 'get' operation generated through
the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu is const by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isIdlCustomUmlBaseClass set if the class is custom have sense for aa valuetype

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isIdlExternalUmlBaseClass set if the class is external

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isIdlLocalUmlBaseClass set if the class is local, have sense for an interface

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isIdlOnewayUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared oneway in IDL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isIdlTruncatableInheritanceUmlBaseRelation to set if the inheritance is 'truncatable'

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsInlineOperationForceIncludesInHeaderCppSettings set if the fact an operation is inline force the header of the
types referenced in the profile to be included in the header

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isJavaDefaultUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared default in JAVA
relevant in an interface

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isJavaExternalUmlBaseClass set if the class is external

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isJavaFinalUmlBaseClass set if the class is final

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isJavaFinalUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared final in JAVA

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isJavaPublicUmlBaseClass set if the class is public

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isJavaStaticUmlBaseClass to set if the (inner) class is declared static in JAVA

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isJavaSynchronizedUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared synchronized in JAVA

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isJavaTransientUmlBaseAttribute to set the 'transient' state of the attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isJavaTransientUmlBaseRelation to set the 'transient' state of the relation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isLocallyReentrantUmlBaseActivityAction set if the action is locally reentrant

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isMarkedUmlBaseItem to mark/unmark the current item. The project cannot marked
On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isMustIsolateUmlBaseExpansionRegion set the isMustIsolate attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isMysqlAutoIncrementUmlBaseAttribute to set if the columns part of a table must be in auto increment mode

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isMysqlNotNullUmlBaseAttribute to set if the columns part of a table must be not null

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isMysqlUsingBtreeUmlBaseAttribute to set if the key part of a table uses btree

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isMysqlUsingHashUmlBaseAttribute to set if the key part of a table uses hash

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isOrderedUmlBaseAttribute set the property 'ordered'

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isOrderedUmlBaseReduceAction set the isOrdered attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isOrderedUmlBaseRelation set the property 'ordered'

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsOutInoutParametersByReferencePhpSettings to set if out/inout parameters are given by reference

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsParametersTypedPhpSettings to set if parameters are typed by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isPhpExternalUmlBaseClass set if the class is external

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isPhpFinalUmlBaseClass set if the class is final

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isPhpFinalUmlBaseOperation to set if the operation is declared final in PHP

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsPython_2_2PythonSettings set if classes follow Python 2.2 by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isPython_2_2UmlBaseClass set if the class is a Python 2.2 class

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsPython_3_operationPythonSettings set if operations follow Python 3 (pep-3107)

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isPythonExternalUmlBaseClass set if the class is external

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isReadOnlyUmlBaseActivity set the isReadOnly attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isReadOnlyUmlBaseAttribute to set the 'read only' state of the attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isReadOnlyUmlBaseRelation to set the 'read only' state of the relation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsRelativePathCppSettings set if a relative path must be used when the path
must be generated in the produced #includes

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsRelativePathPhpSettings set if a relative path must be used when the path
must be generated in the produced require_once

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isRemoveDuplicatesUmlBaseRemoveVariableValueAction set the isRemoveDuplicates attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isReplaceAllUmlBaseAddVariableValueAction set the isReplaceAll attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsRootRelativePathCppSettings set if a relative to the project root path must be used
when the path must be generated in the produced #includes

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsRootRelativePathPhpSettings set if a relative to the project root path must be used
when the path must be generated in the produced require_once

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsSetFinalJavaSettings set if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is final by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsSetFinalPhpSettings set if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is final by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsSetInlineCppSettings set if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is inline by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsSetOnewayIdlSettings set if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is oneway by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsSetParamConstCppSettings set if the parameters of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu are const by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsSetParamFinalJavaSettings set if the parameters of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu are final by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsSetParamRefCppSettings set if the parameter of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu is a reference by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isSingleExecutionUmlBaseActivity set the isSingleExecution attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsStreamUmlBasePinParameter set the isStream attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isSynchronousUmlBaseCallBehaviorAction set the isSynchronous attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isSynchronousUmlBaseCallOperationAction set the isSynchronous attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isTimeEventUmlBaseAcceptEventAction set the isTimeEvent attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isTypeUsedByValueForceItsIncludesInHeaderCppSettings set if the fact a type is used by value in a definition
(out of the body of an operation) force the #include of its header
to be generated in the header file

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isUniqueUmlBaseAttribute set the property 'unique'

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_IsUniqueUmlBasePinParameter set the isUnique attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isUniqueUmlBaseRelation set the property 'unique'

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isUnmarshallUmlBaseAcceptEventAction set the isUnmarshall attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_isVolatileUmlBaseClassMember Set if the member is 'volatile', not significant for a class

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef
set_JavaActivityUmlBaseTransition set the activity in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaAnnotationsUmlBaseClassMember set the Java annotations

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaBehaviorUmlBaseOpaqueAction set the behavior in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaBodyUmlBaseOperation sets the operation's body in Java, useless if the def does not
contains ${body}

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaContextualBodyIndentUmlBaseOperation set if the indent of the Java body is contextual or absolute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaDeclUmlBaseClassItem to set the Java definition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition set the Java declaration

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaDefUmlBaseOperation sets the operation's definition in Java, notes that it is
already made by the inherited set_JavaDecl operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaDirUmlBasePackage to set the path where the JAVA files are generated by the
JAVA generator, may be relative even the 'root' path is not
(already) an absolute path

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaDoActivityUmlBaseState set the activity in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaEntryBehaviorUmlBaseState set the entry behavior in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaExitBehaviorUmlBaseState set the exit behavior in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaExpressionUmlBaseStateAction set the expression in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaGetSetFrozenUmlBaseOperation set the if the Java definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaGuardUmlBaseFlow set the guard in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaGuardUmlBaseTransition set the guard in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaNameSpecUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's JAVA name must be generated

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaPackageUmlBasePackage to set the java package name associed to the package.

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaPostConditionUmlBaseActivity set the post condition in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaPostConditionUmlBaseActivityAction set the post condition in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaPreConditionUmlBaseActivity set the pre condition in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaPreConditionUmlBaseActivityAction set the pre condition in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaReplyToCallUmlBaseReplyAction set the replyToCall trigger in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaSelectionUmlBaseActivityObject set the selection in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaSelectionUmlBaseFlow set the selection in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaSignalUmlBaseOnSignalAction set the signal in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaSourceUmlBaseArtifact to set the Java file definition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaTransformationUmlBaseFlow set the transformation in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaTriggerUmlBaseAcceptCallAction set the trigger in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaTriggerUmlBaseAcceptEventAction set the trigger in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaTriggerUmlBaseTransition set the trigger in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaValueUmlBaseValueSpecificationAction set the value in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_JavaWeightUmlBaseFlow set the weight in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_KeyDeclMysqlSettings set the default definition of a key

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ModeUmlBaseExpansionRegion set the mode attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MultiplicityUmlBaseActivityObject set the multiplicity

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MultiplicityUmlBaseAttribute to set the multiplicity

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MultiplicityUmlBaseOperation set the return type multiplicity

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MultiplicityUmlBaseRelation to set the multiplicity

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlColumnsUmlBaseAttribute to set the columns
significant when the attribute is a key of a table

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlColumnsUmlBaseRelation to set the columns
significant when the relation is a foreign key of a table

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlConstraintUmlBaseAttribute to set the constraint of the key part of a table

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlConstraintUmlBaseRelation to set the constraint of the foreing key part of a table

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlDeclUmlBaseClassItem set the MYSQL definition

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition set the Mysql declaration

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlDirUmlBasePackage to set the path where the MySQL files are generated by the
Mysql generator, may be relative even the 'root' path is not
(already) an absolute path

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlKindUmlBaseAttribute to set the meaning of the attribute part of a table.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlOnDeleteUmlBaseRelation set what is done on delete
significant when the relation is a foreign key of a table

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlOnUpdateUmlBaseRelation set what is done on update
significant when the relation is a foreign key of a table

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlReferencedKeyUmlBaseRelation set the key referenced by the foreing key or a null pointer
significant when the relation is a foreign key of a table

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_MysqlSourceUmlBaseArtifact to set the MySql file definition

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_NameUmlBaseClass to set the name

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_NameUmlBaseItem to set the name

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_NestedClassIndentCppSettings set nested class declaration indent

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OperationUmlBaseCallOperationAction set the operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OperationDeclCppSettings set the default declaration of an operation

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OperationDeclIdlSettings set the default declaration of an operation

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OperationDefCppSettings set the default definition of an operation

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OperationDefJavaSettings set the default definition of an operation

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OperationDefPhpSettings set the default definition of an operation

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OperationDefPythonSettings set the default definition of an operation

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OperationDescriptionUmlSettings set the default description

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OperationForceNoexceptCppSettings set if the operations profile must contain 'noexcept'
when the operations does not have exception

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OperationForceThrowCppSettings set if the operations profile must contain 'throw()'
when the operations does not have exception

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OrderingUmlBaseActivityObject set the ordering

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_OutCppSettings set the default operation 'out' parameter specification
in case its type is not an enum or a type specified in the
first 'Generation settings' tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PhpBodyUmlBaseOperation sets the operation's body in Php, useless if the def does not
contains ${body}

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PhpContextualBodyIndentUmlBaseOperation set if the indent of the PHP body is contextual or absolute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PhpDeclUmlBaseClassItem to set the Php definition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PhpDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition set the Php declaration

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PhpDefUmlBaseOperation sets the operation's definition in Php, notes that it is
already made by the inherited set_PhpDecl operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PhpDirUmlBasePackage to set the path where the PHP files are generated by the
PHP generator, may be relative even the 'root' path is not
(already) an absolute path

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PhpGetSetFrozenUmlBaseOperation set the if the Php definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PhpNamespaceUmlBasePackage the namespace name associed to the package.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PhpNameSpecUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's PHP name must be generated

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PhpSourceUmlBaseArtifact to set the Php file definition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PinsUmlBaseParameterSet set the pins
set_PostConditionUmlBaseActivity set the post condition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PostConditionUmlBaseActivityAction set the post condition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PreConditionUmlBaseActivity set the pre condition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PreConditionUmlBaseActivityAction set the pre condition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PropertyValueUmlBaseItem to set (may be insert a new) the value 'v' associated to the key 'k'

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonBodyUmlBaseOperation sets the operation's body in Python, useless if the def does not
contains ${body}

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonContextualBodyIndentUmlBaseOperation set if the indent of the Python body is contextual or absolute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonDeclUmlBaseClassItem to set the Python definition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonDeclUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition set the Python declaration

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonDecoratorsUmlBaseOperation set the decorators

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonDefUmlBaseOperation sets the operation's definition in Python, notes that it is
already made by the inherited set_PythonDecl operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonDirUmlBasePackage to set the path where the PYTHON files are generated by the
PYTHON generator, may be relative even the 'root' path is not
(already) an absolute path

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonGetSetFrozenUmlBaseOperation set the if the Python definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonNameSpecUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's PYTHON name must be generated

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonPackageUmlBasePackage to set the python package name associed to the package.

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_PythonSourceUmlBaseArtifact to set the Python file definition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReducerUmlBaseReduceAction set the reducer

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReferenceUmlBaseEntryPointPseudoState set the referenced sub machine state (may be 0/null)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReferenceUmlBaseExitPointPseudoState set the referenced sub machine state (may be 0/null)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReferenceUmlBaseState set the referenced sub machine state (may be 0/null)

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RelationAttributeStereotypeCppSettings set the C++ stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RelationAttributeStereotypeIdlSettings set the IDL stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RelationAttributeStereotypeJavaSettings set the JAVA stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RelationAttributeStereotypePythonSettings set the PYTHON stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RelationDeclCppSettings set the default definition of a relation depending on it is an
aggregation by value or not and the multiplicity, given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RelationDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of a relation depending on the
multiplicity given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RelationDeclJavaSettings set the default definition of a relation depending on the
multiplicity given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RelationDeclPhpSettings set the default definition of an relation

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RelationDeclPythonSettings set the default definition of a relation depending on it is an
aggregation by value or not and the multiplicity, given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RelationDescriptionUmlSettings set the default description

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReplyToCallUmlBaseReplyAction set the replyToCall trigger

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RepresentsUmlBaseActivityPartition set the represents

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RequireOnceWithPathPhpSettings to indicates to the code generator if the require_once may specify
the path of just the file's name

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReturnCppSettings set the default operation value type form

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReturnTypeUmlBaseOperation to set the operation value type

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReverseRoundtripDirRegExpCppSettings set the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip
On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReverseRoundtripDirRegExpJavaSettings set the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip
On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReverseRoundtripDirRegExpPhpSettings set the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip
On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReverseRoundtripFileRegExpCppSettings set the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip
On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReverseRoundtripFileRegExpJavaSettings set the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip
On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ReverseRoundtripFileRegExpPhpSettings set the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip
On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RoleNameUmlBaseRelation to set the name of the role

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RootDirCppSettings set the 'root' directory

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RootDirIdlSettings set the 'root' directory

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RootDirJavaSettings set the 'root' directory

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RootDirMysqlSettings set the 'root' directory

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RootDirPhpSettings set the 'root' directory

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_RootDirPythonSettings set the 'root' directory

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SelectionUmlBaseActivityObject set the selection in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SelectionUmlBaseFlow set the selection in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SetNameCppSettings set the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SetNameIdlSettings set the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SetNameJavaSettings set the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SetNamePhpSettings set the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SetNamePythonSettings set the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SetVisibilityCppSettings set the default visibility of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SetVisibilityJavaSettings set the default visibility of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation'

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SetVisibilityPhpSettings set the default visibility of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation'

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

note : visibility shared with Java
set_SignalUmlBaseOnSignalAction set the signal

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceAdditionalExtensionsCppSettings set the additional extensions of the source files
reversed in C++

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceContentCppSettings set the default source file content

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceContentIdlSettings set the default source file content

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceContentJavaSettings set the default source file content

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceContentMysqlSettings set the default source file content

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceContentPhpSettings set the default source file content

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceContentPythonSettings set the default source file content

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceExtensionCppSettings set the extension of the source files produced by the
C++ code generator

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceExtensionIdlSettings set the extension of the files produced by the Idl code generator

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceExtensionJavaSettings set the extension of the file produced by the JAVA code generator

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceExtensionMysqlSettings set the extension of the file produced by the MYSQL code generator

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceExtensionPhpSettings set the extension of the file produced by the PHP code generator

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SourceExtensionPythonSettings set the extension of the file produced by the PYTHON code generator

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SpecificationUmlBaseActivity set the specification

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SpecificationUmlBaseState set the specification

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_StereotypeUmlBaseItem to set the stereotype
On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_StereotypeUmlBaseRelation to set the stereotype

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
redefined in case the relation is bidirectional to set the stereotype
of the relation corresponding to the other direction
set_StructDeclCppSettings set the default definition of a struct

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_StructDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of a struct

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_SwitchTypeUmlBaseClass to set the switch type even the class is not (already) an IDL union

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TableDeclMysqlSettings set the default definition of a table

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TemplateTypedefDeclCppSettings set the default definition of a template typedef

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TransformationUmlBaseFlow set the transformation in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TriggerUmlBaseAcceptCallAction set the trigger

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TriggerUmlBaseAcceptEventAction set the trigger

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TriggerUmlBaseTransition set the trigger in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TypeCppSettings set the C++ type corresponding to the 'UML' type given in
argument, as it is configured in the first 'Generation settings'
dialog's tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TypeIdlSettings set the IDL type corresponding to the 'UML' type given in
argument, as it is configured in the first 'Generation settings'
dialog's tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TypeJavaSettings set the JAVA type corresponding to the 'UML' type given in
argument, as it is configured in the first 'Generation settings'
dialog's tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TypeUmlBaseActivityObject set the type

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TypeUmlBaseAttribute to set the attribute UML type

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TypeUmlBaseClassInstance set the type

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TypedefDeclCppSettings set the default definition of a typedef

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_TypedefDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of a typedef

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UmlGetNameUmlSettings set the language from which the getter's name rule must be followed at Uml level

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UmlSetNameUmlSettings set the language from which the setter's name rule must be followed at Uml level

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UnionDeclCppSettings set the default definition of an union

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UnionDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of an union

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UnionItemDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of an union item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UnionRelationDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of a relation in an union
depending on the multiplicity given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UseDefaultsCppSettings if y is TRUE the future created C++ objects will be initialized
with the default declaration/definition

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UseDefaultsIdlSettings if y is TRUE the future created Java objects will be initialized
with the default declaration/definition

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UseDefaultsJavaSettings if y is TRUE the future created Java objects will be initialized
with the default declaration/definition

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UseDefaultsMysqlSettings if y is TRUE the future created MySql objects will be initialized
with the default definition

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UseDefaultsPhpSettings if y is TRUE the future created Php objects will be initialized
with the default declaration/definition

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_UseDefaultsPythonSettings if y is TRUE the future created Python objects will be initialized
with the default declaration/definition

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ValueUmlBaseValueSpecificationAction set the value

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ValuetypeAttributeDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of an attribute
placed in a valuetype

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ValuetypeDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of a valuetype

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_ValuetypeRelationDeclIdlSettings set the default definition of a relation in a valuetype
depending on the multiplicity given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_VariableUmlBaseAccessVariableValueAction set the variable

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_VisibilityUmlBaseClassMember Set the member visibility, DefaultVisibility is not legal

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java,
does not check that the class is (already) a typedef
set_VisibilityIndentCppSettings set visibility specifiers indent

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
set_WeightUmlBaseFlow set the weight in OCL

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java
setNameCppSettings returns the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu
setNameIdlSettings returns the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu
setNameJavaSettings returns the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu
setNamePhpSettings returns the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu
setNamePythonSettings returns the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu
setOfUmlBaseOperation in case the operation is a 'set' operation, returns the associated
attribute or relation
setOperationUmlBaseAttribute returns the 'set' operation of the attribute, or 0 if it does not exist
setOperationUmlBaseRelation returns the 'set' operation of the relation, or 0 if it does not exist
setVisibilityCppSettings returns the default visibility of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu
setVisibilityJavaSettings returns the default visibility of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation'
setVisibilityPhpSettings returns the default visibility of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation'

note : visibility shared with Java
showTraceUmlComto show the trace window
sideUmlBaseRelation if 'first' is true returns the relation associated to the
first role, else the relation associated to the second
role or 0/null if the relation is uni directional
signalUmlBaseOnSignalAction return the signal
SlotAttributeSlotAttribute because of Q3ValueList use
SlotRelationSlotRelation because of Q3ValueList use
sourceAdditionalExtensionsCppSettings returns the additional extensions of the source files
reversed in C++
sourceContentCppSettings returns the default source file content
sourceContentIdlSettings returns the default source file content
sourceContentJavaSettings returns the default source file content
sourceContentMysqlSettings returns the default source file content
sourceContentPhpSettings returns the default source file content
sourceContentPythonSettings returns the default source file content
sourceExtensionCppSettings returns the extension of the source files produced by the
C++ code generator
sourceExtensionIdlSettings returns the extension of the files produced by the Idl code generator
sourceExtensionJavaSettings returns the extension of the file produced by the JAVA code generator
sourceExtensionMysqlSettings returns the extension of the file produced by the MYSQL code generator
sourceExtensionPhpSettings returns the extension of the file produced by the PHP code generator
sourceExtensionPythonSettings returns the extension of the file produced by the PYTHON code generator
specificationUmlBaseActivity return the specification
specificationUmlBaseState return the specification
startContinuationUmlBaseFragmentCompartment return the continuation ('label' case), or an empty string/null
stereotypeUmlBaseItem returns the stereotype
stereotypeUmlBaseSequenceMessage return the stereotype of the message
stereotypeUmlBaseUseCaseAssociation return the stereotype
structDeclCppSettings returns the default definition of a struct
structDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of a struct
subjectUmlBaseUseCaseReference return the subject containing the use case, or 0/null
subjectsUmlBaseUseCaseDiagramDefinition return the subjects present in the diagram
superClassUmlBaseActualParameter returns the class of the corresponding formal
supportFileUmlBaseItem Returns the absolute path name of the file memoring the Item.
In general an item is saved in a file associated to its package,
the exceptions are :

- the body of the operations of a class which definition contains the
keyword '{$body}'. This path name is returned when you apply
supportFile on any operation of the class.

- the drawing of the diagrams, this path name is returned when
you apply supportFile on the diagram.

- the configuration of the tools edited throw the entry 'Tools Settings' of
the menu Tools is saved in the file 'tools'

- the configuration of the '#include' and 'using' forms associated to the
external type and edited through the last C++ tab of the
'Generation Settings' dialog is saved in the file 'cpp_includes'

- the configuration of the 'imports' forms associated to the external
types and edited through the last Java tab of the 'Generation Settings'
dialog is saved in the file 'java_imports'

- the configuration of the '#include' forms associated to the
external type and edited through the last Idl tab of the
'Generation Settings' dialog is saved in the file 'idl_includes'
switchTypeUmlBaseClass returns the switch's type, significant in case the class
is an union in IDL
tableDeclMysqlSettings returns the default definition of a table
targetUmlBaseFlow returns the 'end' object (the 'start' object is the parent of the flow) no set !
targetUmlBaseNcRelation returns the 'end' object (the 'start' object is the parent of the relation) no set !
targetUmlBaseTransition returns the 'end' object (the 'start' object is the parent of the transition) no set !
targetItemUmlCom returns the item on which the tool is applied
templateTypedefDeclCppSettings returns the default definition of a template typedef
textsUmlBaseFragmentCompartment the texts placed in the compartment
toUmlBaseMessage return the instance receiving the message
toStringUmlBaseTypeSpec returns the type as a string in all cases
traceUmlCom to write messages in the tool window,
use Qt rich text : allows HTML like formatting
traceAutoRaiseUmlComto automatically raise the trace window
each time trace() is called
transformationUmlBaseFlow return the transformation in OCL
triggerUmlBaseAcceptCallAction return the trigger
triggerUmlBaseAcceptEventAction return the trigger
triggerUmlBaseTransition return the trigger in OCL
typeCppSettings returns the C++ type corresponding to the 'UML' type given in
argument, as it is configured in the first 'Generation settings'
dialog's tab
typeIdlSettings returns the IDL type corresponding to the 'UML' type given in
argument, as it is configured in the first 'Generation settings'
dialog's tab
typeJavaSettings returns the JAVA type corresponding to the 'UML' type given in
argument, as it is configured in the first 'Generation settings'
dialog's tab
typeUmlBaseActivityObject return the type
typeUmlBaseAttribute returns the attribute UML type
typeUmlBaseClassInstance return the type
typeUmlBaseClassInstanceReference return the type of the instance
typeUmlBaseFormalParameter returns the type of a formal, probably "class"
typedefDeclCppSettings returns the default definition of a typedef
typedefDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of a typedef
UmlAcceptCallActionUmlAcceptCallAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlAcceptEventActionUmlAcceptEventAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlActivityUmlActivity the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlActivityDiagramUmlActivityDiagram the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlActivityFinalActivityNodeUmlActivityFinalActivityNode the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlActivityObjectUmlActivityObject the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlActivityParameterUmlActivityParameter the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlActivityPartitionUmlActivityPartition the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlActivityPinUmlActivityPin the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlAddVariableValueActionUmlAddVariableValueAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlBaseAttributeUmlBaseAttribute the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlBaseItemUmlBaseItem the constructor, do not call it yourself !
UmlBroadcastSignalActionUmlBroadcastSignalAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlCallBehaviorActionUmlCallBehaviorAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlCallOperationActionUmlCallOperationAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlChoicePseudoStateUmlChoicePseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlClassInstanceUmlClassInstance the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlClearVariableValueActionUmlClearVariableValueAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlCreateObjectActionUmlCreateObjectAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlDecisionActivityNodeUmlDecisionActivityNode the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlDeepHistoryPseudoStateUmlDeepHistoryPseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlDestroyObjectActionUmlDestroyObjectAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlEntryPointPseudoStateUmlEntryPointPseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlExitPointPseudoStateUmlExitPointPseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlExpansionNodeUmlExpansionNode the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlExpansionRegionUmlExpansionRegion the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlExtraArtifactDefinitionUmlExtraArtifactDefinition the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlFinalStateUmlFinalState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlFlowFinalActivityNodeUmlFlowFinalActivityNode the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlForkActivityNodeUmlForkActivityNode the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlForkPseudoStateUmlForkPseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
umlGetNameUmlSettings return the language from which the getter's name rule must be followed at Uml level
UmlInitialActivityNodeUmlInitialActivityNode the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlInitialPseudoStateUmlInitialPseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlInterruptibleActivityRegionUmlInterruptibleActivityRegion the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlJoinActivityNodeUmlJoinActivityNode the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlJoinPseudoStateUmlJoinPseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlJunctionPseudoStateUmlJunctionPseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlMergeActivityNodeUmlMergeActivityNode the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlObjectDiagramUmlObjectDiagram the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlOpaqueActionUmlOpaqueAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlParameterSetUmlParameterSet the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlPseudoStateUmlPseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlRaiseExceptionActionUmlRaiseExceptionAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlReadVariableValueActionUmlReadVariableValueAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlReduceActionUmlReduceAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlRegionUmlRegion the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlRemoveVariableValueActionUmlRemoveVariableValueAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlReplyActionUmlReplyAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlSendObjectActionUmlSendObjectAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlSendSignalActionUmlSendSignalAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
umlSetNameUmlSettings return the language from which the setter's name rule must be followed at Uml level
UmlShallowHistoryPseudoStateUmlShallowHistoryPseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlStateUmlState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlStateActionUmlStateAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlStateDiagramUmlStateDiagram the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlTerminatePseudoStateUmlTerminatePseudoState the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlTestIdentityActionUmlTestIdentityAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
umlTypeCppSettings reverse of the Type() operation, returns the 'UML' type corresponding
to the C++ type given in argument
umlTypeIdlSettings reverse of the Type() operation, returns the 'UML' type corresponding
to the IDL type given in argument
umlTypeJavaSettings reverse of the Type() operation, returns the 'UML' type corresponding
to the JAVA type given in argument
UmlUnmarshallActionUmlUnmarshallAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlValueSpecificationActionUmlValueSpecificationAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
UmlWriteVariableValueActionUmlWriteVariableValueAction the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!
unionDeclCppSettings returns the default definition of an union
unionDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of an union
unionItemDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of an union item depending on the multiplicity
unionRelationDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of a relation in an union
depending on the multiplicity given in argument.
unloadUmlBaseAcceptCallAction to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseAcceptEventAction to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseActivity to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseActivityAction to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseActivityObject to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseActivityParameter to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseArtifact to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded
automatically if needed. args unused
unloadUmlBaseAttribute to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded
automatically if needed. args unused
unloadUmlBaseClass to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseCollaborationDiagram to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. args unused
unloadUmlBaseComponent to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded
automatically if needed. args unused
unloadUmlBaseCreateObjectAction to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseExtraArtifactDefinition to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded
automatically if needed. args unused
unloadUmlBaseExtraClassMember to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded
automatically if needed. args unused
unloadUmlBaseFlow to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseItem to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseOnSignalAction to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseOpaqueAction to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseOperation to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded
automatically if needed. args unused
unloadUmlBasePackage to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseParameterSet to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseRelation to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded
automatically if needed. args unused
unloadUmlBaseReplyAction to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseSequenceDiagram to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. args unused
unloadUmlBaseState to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseStateAction to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseTransition to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
unloadUmlBaseUseCaseDiagram to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. args unused
unloadUmlBaseValueSpecificationAction to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them
updateProfilesUmlBasePackage Force consistency concerning the profiles and their stereotypes
useCaseUmlBaseUseCaseAssociation return the use case
useCaseUmlBaseUseCaseReference return the use case
useCasesUmlBaseUseCaseDiagramDefinition return the use cases present in the diagram
useDefaultsCppSettings returns TRUE when the created C++ objects are initialized
with the default declaration/definition
useDefaultsIdlSettings returns TRUE when the created Java objects are initialized
with the default declaration/definition
useDefaultsJavaSettings returns TRUE when the created Java objects are initialized
with the default declaration/definition
useDefaultsMysqlSettings returns TRUE when the created MySql objects are initialized
with the default definition
useDefaultsPhpSettings returns TRUE when the created Php objects are initialized
with the default declaration/definition
useDefaultsPythonSettings returns TRUE when the created Python objects are initialized
with the default declaration/definition
valueUmlBaseActualParameter returns the actual's value
valueUmlBaseValueSpecificationAction return the value
valuetypeAttributeDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of an attribute
placed in a valuetype depending on the multiplicity
valuetypeDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of a valuetype
valuetypeRelationDeclIdlSettings returns the default definition of a relation in a valuetype
depending on the multiplicity given in argument.
variableUmlBaseAccessVariableValueAction return the variable, may be an attribute or a relation
vcenter_UmlBaseFragmentinternal, do NOT use it
visibilityUmlBaseClassMember The member's visibility
visibilityIndentCppSettings return the indent of the visibility specifiers
weightUmlBaseFlow return the weight in OCL
~UmlBaseCollaborationDiagramDefinitionUmlBaseCollaborationDiagramDefinition to avoid compiler warning, don't call it
~UmlBaseFragmentUmlBaseFragment to avoid compiler warning, don't call it
~UmlBaseFragmentCompartmentUmlBaseFragmentCompartment to avoid compiler warning, don't call it
~UmlBaseItemUmlBaseItem the destructor, do not delete objects yourself !!!!!!!!!!
~UmlBaseSequenceDiagramDefinitionUmlBaseSequenceDiagramDefinition to avoid compiler warning, don't call it
~UmlBaseUseCaseDiagramDefinitionUmlBaseUseCaseDiagramDefinition to avoid compiler warning, don't call it