Class UmlBaseFragment

this class manages fragments

Declaration :

Directly inherited by : UmlFragment

Artifact : UmlBaseFragment

Operation name

return the name

Declaration :

Operation compartments

return the compartments, at least one compartment exists

Declaration :

Operation container

return the fragment compartment containing the fragment,
or 0/null

Declaration :

Operation refer

return the diagram optionally referenced by the fragment,
generally associated to an interaction use

Declaration :

Operation arguments

return the form corresponding to the arguments
and return value of the interaction use

Declaration :

Operation covered

return the the list of covered instances (life lines)

Declaration :

Relation _container (<unidirectional association>)

Declaration :

Relation _compartments (<directional composition>)

Declaration :

Stereotype: vector

Attribute _name

Declaration :

Attribute _x

Declaration :

Attribute _y

Declaration :

Attribute _w

Declaration :

Attribute _h

Declaration :

Relation _refer (<unidirectional association>)

Declaration :

Attribute _arguments

Declaration :

Relation _covered (<unidirectional association>)

Declaration :

Stereotype: vector

Operation read_

internal, don't call it

Declaration :

Operation vcenter_

internal, do NOT use it

Declaration :

Operation read_covered_

internal, do NOT use it

Declaration :

Operation get_container_


Declaration :

Operation compute_container_


Declaration :

Operation w

Declaration :

Operation h

Declaration :

Operation ~UmlBaseFragment

to avoid compiler warning, don't call it

Declaration :

Extra Artifact Definition friend

Definition :

All public operations : arguments , compartments , compute_container_ , container , covered , get_container_ , h , name , read_ , read_covered_ , refer , vcenter_ , w