Current and final release : 7.11, see historic
Here you can get Bouml compiled for
Raspbian / Pi OS,
MacOS X Intel
not yet supported.
See also the contributions from Bouml users
With some versions of Windows it may be necessary to start Bouml in administrator mode,
if its execution stops immediately you are in that case.
By default Archlinux / Manjaro may hide the icons into the menus, this is the case if you don't see at least
the icon for the entry open in the global menu Project, to change that please
refer to
Bouml 7.11 is available on AUR for Archlinux x86_64 and Manjaro 16 and 17 x86_64, to install it do yaourt -S bouml
Bouml 7.11 is available for Armbian-Stretch (armhf and arm64).
Bouml is available from my repositories :
To configure my repository, in a shell terminal do (if you are already root in the next commands remove sudo) :
To configure my repository mirror, in a shell terminal do (if you are already root in the next commands remove sudo) :
The installations/updates can now be done in a shell terminal through sudo apt-get install bouml, or using synaptic
By default CentOS may hide the icons into the menus, this is the case if you don't see at least
the icon for the entry open in the global menu Project, to change that please
refer to
For an unknown reason bouml do not work properly when using the libraries of Qt delivered by CentOS 7, but all work well
when using these libraries compiled by ourself. So you have two solutions :
To install bouml get the rpm file then do sudo yum --nogpgcheck localinstall xxxx.rpm or sudo dnf install xxxxx.rpm depending on the version of your distribution
Bouml 7.11 is available for Buster, Stretch and Jessie (for more recent release see Debian from Bullseye (11))
My repositories are :
You need to configure the free repositories
to get the new version in place of the non-free repositories if you configured these last
Because the site uses SLL (https) you need to install apt-transport-https, for instance doing
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https except if you use the mirror
To configure my repository, in a shell terminal do (if you are already root in the next commands remove sudo) :
To configure my repository mirror, in a shell terminal do (if you are already root in the next commands remove sudo) :
The installations/updates can now be done in a shell terminal through sudo apt-get install bouml, or using synaptic
QT4 is not anymore managed by Debian from Bullseye but the package I made for Debian Buster (10) can be used with the associated QT libraries.
bouml_debian_amd64.tar.gz (md5sum 262511e9bd48f03dbdd12e6d217ad515, mirror : bouml_debian_amd64.tar.gz) is an archive containing the sub directories bin and lib/bouml allowing to install BoUML every where, and therefore possibly without having to be root, and containing the required libraries for the execution of BoUML and its plug-out and projectControl and projectSynchro. The files under bin are shell script and they are the ones which you must use to launch BoUML or projectControl or projectSynchro.
See also Pi OS
The packages made for CentOS also works under Fedora
To install a rpm download it then do a double click on it in the download list to call xdg-open, or do rpm -i -p xxx.rpm
Available binary packages :
To install Bouml you have to extract the tar corresponding to your CPU under '/', so supposing you are in 64b and the tar is in your home dir do cd / ; tar xfz ~/bouml-7.11-gentoo.x86_64.tar.gz
By default Mageia may hide the icons into the menus, this is the case if you don't see at least
the icon for the entry open in the global menu Project, to change that please
refer to
The package made for Centos 6 also works under Mageia 2 and 3. To install it get the rpm file then install it through a double click in the download list.
The packages made for Ubuntu work under Mint ( correspondence between the versions of Mint and those of Ubuntu), please refer to Ubuntu.
Available binary packages :
To install Bouml download the package using one of the two links above, then supposing you put the file bouml-7.11.tgz under /tmp do pkg_add -r -D unsigned -m -I /tmp/bouml-7.11.tgz (being root or using sudo of course).
Install with yast / yast2 doing sudo /sbin/yast -i the_rpm_file, or with rpm doing sudo rpm -i -p the_rpm_file
Bouml 7.11 is available for Raspbian-Stretch and Raspbian-Buster (armhf 32b only) (for more recent releases see Pi OS from Debian Bullseye (11)).
Bouml is available from my repositories (shared with Debian) :
Because the site uses SLL (https) you need to install apt-transport-https, for instance doing
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https except if you use the mirror
To configure my repository, in a shell terminal do (if you are already root in the next commands remove sudo) :
To configure my repository mirror, in a shell terminal do (if you are already root in the next commands remove sudo) :
The installations/updates can now be done in a shell terminal through sudo apt-get install bouml, or using synaptic
QT4 is not anymore managed by Debian from Bullseye but the package I made for Raspbian can be used with the associated QT libraries. That allows to use BoUML for instance on a Pi4 under Pi OS Debian Bullseye or a Pi5 under Pi OS Debian Bookworm.
bouml_pi.tar.gz (md5sum a07e9131dbc84e720f1a36a64de98a4b, mirror : bouml_pi.tar.gz) is an archive containing the sub directories bin and lib/bouml allowing to install BoUML every where, and therefore possibly without having to be root, and containing the required libraries for the execution of BoUML and its plug-out and projectControl and projectSynchro. The files under bin are shell script and they are the ones which you must use to launch BoUML or projectControl or projectSynchro.
QT4 is not anymore managed by Debian from Bullseye, so I compiled Qt 4.8.7 on a Pi4 under Pi OS 64b Debian Bullseye, to produce BoUML on it. That allows to use BoUML for instance on a Pi4 under Pi OS Debian Bullseye or a Pi5 under Pi OS Debian Bookworm.
bouml_pi_64b.tar.gz (md5sum c9294e4f255d26eb91dd1a2e2f962b56, mirror : bouml_pi_64b.tar.gz) is an archive containing the sub directories bin and lib/bouml allowing to install BoUML every where, and therefore possibly without having to be root, and containing the required libraries for the execution of BoUML and its plug-out and projectControl and projectSynchro. The files under bin are shell script and they are the ones which you must use to launch BoUML or projectControl or projectSynchro.
Both the packages made for Centos 6 and 7 works under ROSA Desktop Fresh 9 and 10, with the default QT libraries (it is useless to recompile de Qt libraries as it is necessary to do under CentOS 7). The installation is made directly through a double click on a package and using the default installer.
The package made for CentOS 6 also works under Slackware 14. To install it get the rpm file then apply rpm2txz to the rpm, this produces a package Slackware with the extension txz, install it using installpkg
By default Ubuntu may hide the icons into the menus, this is the case if you don't see at least
the icon for the entry open in the global menu Project, to change that please
refer to
Bouml 7.11 is available for Bionic (18.04), Xenial (16.04) and Trusty (14.04) (for more recent release see Focal (20.04) and Ubuntu from Focal (20.04))
You need to configure the free repositories
to get the new version in place of the non-free repositories if you configured these last
Because the site uses SSL (https) apt-transport-https must be installed, if needed
do sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https except if you use the mirror
My repositories are :
To configure my repository, in a shell terminal do (if you are already root in the next commands remove sudo) :
To configure my repository mirror, in a shell terminal do (if you are already root in the next commands remove sudo) :
Now you are able to install/update Bouml using synaptic, or in a shell terminal through sudo apt-get install bouml.
QT4 is not anymore managed by Ubuntu from Focal and because of that I did not packaged BoUML for it, but Qt4 is available on Ubuntu 20.04 thanks
to ppa:rock-core/qt4, and the package I made for Ubuntu 18.04 can be used on 20.04.
To install BoUML on Ubuntu 20.04 you can do the following commands:
You can also use my archive, see below
QT4 is not anymore managed by Ubuntu from Focal but the package I made for Ubuntu 18.04 can be used with the associated QT libraries.
bouml_ubuntu_amd64.tar.gz (md5sum aa87f165c00f91b56fa592c71d6d88b8, mirror : bouml_ubuntu_amd64.tar.gz) is an archive containing the sub directories bin and lib/bouml allowing to install BoUML every where, and therefore possibly without having to be root, and containing the required libraries for the execution of BoUML and its plug-out and projectControl and projectSynchro. The files under bin are shell script and they are the ones which you must use to launch BoUML or projectControl or projectSynchro.
bouml, projectControl and projectSynchro are distributed in separated dmg :
The reference manual ()
and the tutorials (
can be downloaded here.